Yes, Alcohol and Substance Abuse can Impact Your Custody Case

Facing a divorce is never easy, but when there are minor children involved, it becomes a very emotional process. No matter how you feel about your spouse, you love your children deeply. You likely want to have a close relationship with them as they continue to grow.

If you and your ex can’t agree on how to split custody, you may feel like you need to ask the courts to set up a parenting plan that will work for you. It’s important to realize that every case is unique.
You should not base your actions or plans on stories you’ve heard from other people who have divorced in Pennsylvania. One common factor that can complicate child custody proceedings is a dependence on alcohol or other drugs. You need to familiarize yourself with how the courts generally handle child custody.
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Should You Wait for the Children’s Graduation to get Divorced

You have two kids. One is a senior in high school. The other is in eighth grade.

For three years now, you have felt terribly unhappy in your marriage. You and your spouse barely speak. You sleep in different rooms. You feel like two tenants simply renting the same house.

Over the last year, it’s only gotten worse. Your spouse insults you and digs at you emotionally all the time. So far, there has not been any physical abuse. If there were, you’d leave instantly. But it has become clear that neither of you wants this relationship to continue.
So, do you ask for a divorce now? Or should you wait until your kids are both out of school? The senior is so close, after all. Can you put up with four more years after that for your second child to head off to college?
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